On to the next! This is the story of Fallido (foul-eh-dough). This story has a bit of a funny background. I wrote it about 10 years ago. If I remember correctly I had written it on an old piece of scrap paper and it had sat on my art room floor for a couple of months and was pretty much lost in the art shrapnel that was strewn about. Then one day a buddy of mine (Shawn) was over doing some sketching with me when I heard him laughing. He picked up the story and said “This is great!” I had somewhat forgotten about it and had to re-read it to see what he was talking about. I have to admit, I did think it was pretty funny. If it werent for Shawn pointing it out to me, it would have probably been scrapped.
Since then I had posted it on my website and even went as far as making a little book out of it (kinko style). I got some really good feedback from it (plus Im pretty sure its one of my mom's favorites...so I guess I had to do something with it) and always wanted to do something with it. Berona’s War, Book II is my chance. The original story was about a paranoid dog, since that wouldn’t work for Berona, I had to do a little improvising. Its now about a Cropone soldier.
It’s only going to be 6 or 7 pages but I'm pretty confident it will bring a smile to your face.
I am illustrating it in a very simple looking style…bold colors, cartoony character, simple background, etc. I think it will match the story much better that way.
I am illustrating it in a very simple looking style…bold colors, cartoony character, simple background, etc. I think it will match the story much better that way.
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