I don’t have a working title for this one yet but it involves some of my favorite characters from the first book, the Condyle (my favorite being the Krite). The Condyle warriors are the savages of the land. They suppress there blood lust through their hunts. This is the story of one of those hunts. I have to admit that when I started out wanting to do a Condyle story, I wanted it to be more of a action filled hunt. However, it did not turn out that way at all. I was struggling with it for awhile and then a friend got a hold of it. Opie Cooper had a little fun with the story and took it in a whole new direction. I ended up liking his take on it WAY more than mine. So that’s what I went with. I added a little bit to it here and there but for the most part…its his story.
I will post a little bit more later on the layout of one of the pages but until then, Here it the cover picture to the story.