Tuesday, October 20, 2009

DEAD @ 17 Pin-up

Ok, as you can see below, Anthony and I were asked to do a Pin-up for Image and Josh Howard’s Dead @ 17 comic. It was a nice little break from Berona’s War "Book II". Its been so long, I was starting to think I forgot how to draw girls. This should have been easier than it was….Geez, I almost gave up. Not really Josh…I wouldn’t let you down! But it did give me some problems. What made things even worse is I was at Anthony’s place when he started his piece.
All I remember is he started doing a rough sketch and then the pizza man knocked on the door…by the time I paid him and went back inside….Anthony was done!!! REALLY ANTHONY??? God, I hate him sometimes.
Some how he manages to come up with the concept, do the rough, clean it up, add color and do the background…all in the time it took me to walk four feet to the door and back. I just don’t get it. But what makes things even worse is that I had a sketch that I really liked I had done the night before. But after seeing his picture, I had to throw mine away. Oh well, I guess that’s the price we pay for working with greatness.
So anyway. I had a few ideas in my head of what I wanted the outcome to look like. After playing with some sketches for awhile, I came up with the pictures you see now. I was very close to going with the first one with just the two girls. I was worried that the third girl in the foreground would be too much and cover up a lot of the detail of the other two girls. But by the time it was all said and done, I think the composition ended up working out just fine. I'm actually happy with the way it turned out. From our understanding, Josh likes them and frankly….that’s all we needed to know!

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