Ok, so as we’ve mentioned before, Berona’s War, Book II will be a compilation of short stories and moments from the first book. The first story I started working on was inspired by a pictue I saw years ago by Skottie Young. At the time I didn’t realize that it was Skottie’s picture but I knew I loved it.
After getting waist deep in the project, I showed him some of the pictures and told him a little bit about it. I wanted to get his approval before I got too far into the story…why you ask? Because the main character is based after Mr. Young himself. He had no problem with it what so ever. In fact I even think he liked it!!! Woo-Whoo!!!
The story is about a character who is inspired by stories he hears about a group of Ele-Alta slayers. These stories inspire him to return to his overrun village to seek revenge. His story in turn inspires others to follow in his footsteps as well.
I enjoyed working on it and wanted to post a piece of it for you to see. Here it is in no particular order. As usual, Anthony did all the Ele-Alta characters and I did all of the Cropones. Enjoy “STRONGER FASTER YOUNG!”
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