I have had this Blog linked to my website link so whenever I posted something here, it would appear on my site BUT this will be changing as of today. since I adore each and everyone of you I ask that you (you know who you are :) follow me to AMITY INK!!! It has undergone several changes as well as some wonderful improvements. So please stop by and sign up. It literally takes less then a minute to do and will be worth it. If you dont want to sign up thats ok to. just swing by and check it out!
Thank you so much
just click the BLOG or READ STUFF button!
see ya there!
Is the only way to subscribe to the new blog via e-mail? Is there an RSS or Atom feed for the site?
ReplyDeleteYou can subscribe to the atom feed at:
I will also be adding an rss feed.
More to come.
RSS feed is now available as well. So take your pick.