Back around the beginning of April, Anthony and I were discussing the anatomy (see April 9th post) of our characters. I wanted to be able to get all the dynamic poses out of the Cropones as I possibly could. I didn’t want to change the appearance of my characters but I did want to better understand them. This seems like a “no-brainer” but it did cause me a bit more trouble then I had intended. I know, I know…if I am the one who designed them, than should I not be the one to best understand them??? Well that would seem to be the obvious answer but as it turned out I had been drawing these guys to the point that I could do it with my eyes closed HOWEVER, I never really understood WHAT I was actually drawing. I was very aware of the exterior design but what lied beneath the Cropone fur was a mystery. So after a couple of days of drawing nothing but the frame of the character….I began to see what it was I needed to see while designing them.
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