As for our game, it has been played over and over and over, trying to get out all of the kinks. I believe that we have got rid of all of them. For the first dozen times it was played, I basically sat back and watched as other players had at it. After awhile I began to play it as well. I can honestly say that I really enjoy it.
It is different every time it is played as well as there is different ways it can be played. It can be played solitaire, two, three or four players. It can be played everybody against everybody or played with teams.
We ordered pizza and stayed in and played. With the amount of times that we played, we came up with the rough average of game duration to be around 10 minutes per player. So 1 a player game will last 10 minutes and 4 players will have about a 40 minute game.
A little bit about the game…the goal is to make it from point A to point B. Each player chooses 1 of the 6 playable characters, put there pawn on a starting zone and roll to move.
2 of the 6 Player Cards
Along the path (whichever one they choose) they will travel trying to get to the FINAL FIGHT space. Whoever gets there first rolls to see which one of the 6 Bosses they will fight. But on there journey to the Final Fight, they may encounter a countless number of events that will alter the game…some good, some bad.
Players can have an unlucky encounter such as rockslides, lightning strikes, enemy attacks, animal attacks, or dangers inspired by fate. All of which can send you back to start. However, if things go well for the players, they can gather weapons and to make their travels a tad more comfortable, and with around 30 different weapons and items to acquire (each with different abilities) each game will differ from the last.
a few of the Weapons and Items

Also, players not only get their share of good and bad events BUT they may also may have the pleasure of traveling with any COMPANIONS that they may come across. Once a player picks up a companion their game will alter once more. Each companion (8 in total) that players travel with have a direct effect on the player he is traveling with as well as other players.
Some Companion Cards

All in all, I think that this might actually be a pretty enjoyable game for fans to play. Now whether or not it ever sees light of day, I don’t know but worst case scenario…me and my friends have something to play over some pizza and beer…haha
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