I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before! For some time now I have been making and selling bookmarks with my art work on them. It was something that was fairly easy to do and I could sell them for a cheep price.
When we started working on Berona’s Hundred Year War, I made some more book marks with characters from the book on them. And they sold right along with the books.
Well this week I was working up a new design for some business cards and then it hit me…the whole backbone behind the book and characters is simply, for me, to recapture my childhood. It seems as though all the things that I loved growing up has been completely stripped from me.
I was obsessed with Transformers when I was younger and have never stopped loving them HOWEVER its so hard for me to continue loving them the way I did when every time I turn around someone is making the comment, “Oh you must have LOVED the movie!” or “my son, little Jimmy, watches his Transformer dvd over and over. He’s a fan too.”
Michael Bay…I slap you!
You know what…Stop including us in that abomination of an attempt to recreate my past!!! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the move, I really did but in my opinion one thing had nothing to do with the other. There was the transformers that “we” grew up with, and than there is today’s transformers.
G.I. Joe…uhg, don’t even get me started because I'm not even going to dignify that Helen Keller production. Stephen Sommers must have rolled out of bed one morning and said, “hmmm, GI Joe… I seemed to remember hearing that name before. I think I will make a movie about it. It’s about giant mosquitoes right? There weren’t any giant mosquitoes? Oh well, Ill just put a bunch of other crap that I think will look cool.”
Stephen Sommers…I slap you!
Sorry about my rant but you see where I am going. It seems as all the great things that we grew up are being stripped right out of our hands. Toys are being RE-made, movies are being RE-made, TV shows, games, books….all RE-made! Stop it already. If you want to be inspired by something, that’s GREAT, and that’s what its all about but don’t go around taking something we loved and ruining it…because you think it will make you lots of money!
Not EVERYTHING HAS TO HAVE MOVABLE PARTS, it doesn’t all have to have a USB port, it doesn’t all need batteries! There is a little thing out there that I like to call, an “imagination.” I know it can be scary to use it but once you get the hang of it, the options are limitless!
So in closing, please try to use your “imagination” and leave our childhood alone!!!!
Oh yeah, the bookmarks, haha…Here is something that I thought might be fun to have saving your place in your book and also give you a little flashback to what we use to love.
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